The Secret Garden School

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It is not possible to apply directly to the school to obtain a place for your child. The Secret Garden school caters for pupils who have an identification of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and therefore have an Education, Health and Care Plan in place. School places are recommended by the Local Authority during or following a pupil’s EHCP process.

If a place is suggested, you can telephone to arrange an appointment to view the school and are warmly invited to look around and talk to a member of the senior leadership team. We may contact a previous school and/or make a home or school visit, if necessary, as part of the admission process.


All pupils attend school on a full-time basis. Admissions dates are throughout the year and in some circumstances a phased induction may be appropriate due to the needs of our pupils. When the local authority agrees to place a pupil at our setting, a number of general forms will need to be completed including Medical, General Consent for outdoor activities, use of the internet, student Information, amongst other permissions and consents. This will be completed upon an initial visit after being placed.

Please see our Admissions and Attendance policies below for further information.


Admissions Policy

Admissions policy 2024

Attendance Policy

Attendance policy 2024